Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Well I'm finally back at school now, and extremely busy. I usually work 15 hours a week but I'm scheduled to work 30 hours this week, and on top of that I have tons of school.....but i digress. I have something i would like to for.....Looooonnnnnngggg story so hang on. Coming back to GBS this past weekend I had a very interesting encounter with the law enforcement in West Virginians. Yeah you think I'm just gonna make some racial slur against people from West Virginia, and I wouldn't put it past myself, but maybe i have reason to say something about people from West Virginia. Now if your from West Virginia, just chill b/c my family originated in the neighboring state of Virginia, so its not like I'm outa touch with you guys. Ok, back to the story. Ok, I've always hated driving through West Virginia, for one their roads are crappy, two their people are creepy, and three they drive like Mexicans......(ok don't get offended by that statement, I lived in Mexico for a number of years.....so yes I'm in touch with their culture as well) So normally I put the pedal to the metal and get through that state as quickly as possible. Ok, so here i am in the middle of West Virginia, trucking along....minding my own business. I start to merge onto another interstate when suddenly this blue Dodge Durango SUV appears in my rear view mirror, and is approaching my vehicle at a high rate of speed. As the driver quickly approached my rear bumper, i quickly decided that i was going plenty fast enough and there was no reason he should have any need to go faster then me. So i quickly boxed him in with the other traffic and wouldn't let him pass. I soon decided that once we merged on the interstate that there was no way I would be able to keep him behind me, so i decided i would show this big shot off and keep ahead of him by racing him. What seemed like forever(which was prolly only a couple minutes) I raced through the traffic, keeping this West Virginian behind me. I was doing well above the speed limit on the interstate(sorry im not going to disclose any numbers) and was a little afraid of being pulled over by the cops, but i quickly shoved that outa my mind and continued racing him. After we were on the interstate for awhile he pulled right up on my back bumper again, and i remember this as though it were yesterday.....a pair of blue lights starting flashing in my mirrors. Suddenly realizing my awful mistake, i started pulling my truck off onto the shoulder of the road. The totally unmarked patrolman pulled up beside me, and quickly motioned to me that it would be to my best interest if i slowed my rate of speed, and at least acknowledge the laws of the land. To think that this whole time i had been racing the police was almost unthinkable, and i quickly begin thanking God for keeping me from getting a ticket as he knew i wouldnt have the money to pay it. I was quite humbled by this experience, and instead of showing this big shot off, i was put in my place. I still don't think the policeman should have been exceeding the speed limit in the first place, but it is the state of West Virginia....what more can i say. I am grateful that I didn't get a ticket......most likely it was because this police officer went to school in West Virginia and didn't know how to speak and write in English. Ok, enough said.....you get the point. Thank God for his mercy to me, and for helping me to escape the wrath of the hillbillies.


Unknown said...

wow Joe!!!! pretty impressive. It reminds me of and incident that i had a number of years ago:) Man, i dont know how you got out of a ticket though.... must have been your good looks, hehe.

Joe Springer said...

Well.....yeah im sure the good looks def helped! lol! We Texans roll!!!