Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Hey! Just thought i would write some more about whats been going on in my life lately. First of all I've been extremely busy with work. For you that don't know where i work, i work on campus here at GBS. Anyways I'm usually scheduled for fifteen hours a week but the last couple weeks I've been working up to 25 hours. School has also been really hectic with many of my mid term tests the last few weeks. In fact today i had one of my mid terms in piano. Speaking of piano....i was able to play for the one of the GBS quartets today as they were practicing. I enjoyed it so much and learned a lot of new things from the regular pianist which was kind of tutoring me. He thinks that ill get a position playing for one of the groups next year and that really excites me. That would be like a dream to me. I'm also getting excited about my upcoming break. I most likely will be going to my house at least for most the time. Due to my schedule I will get to be on break a little longer then all the other college students which is really awesome! Well I am getting extremely tired, since i've worked double shifts the last to days and i was only able to get 4 hours of sleep last night, so i gotta get off here


Springer Family said...

Awesome! we would be so thrilled & proud if you got a piano position next year! Keep up the good work!

Unknown said...

Oh My!!! wow joe, finally.

Unknown said...

good suff, hope you get the piano position and show them how its really supposed to be done. Take care nad have a great day.

Madam Marjorie said...

HI Joe! Awesome about the piano opportunity! Don't everwork yourself!!! jk
marjie Alexander

collette said...

Hey Joe, this is great! I know school is busy, and so we will look forward to your moments of revelation to the rest of us! Take care,